

The CLI isn’t the only way to install Intelligence-UI, but it’s by far the most convenient. It’s built to make setting up your project fast and hassle-free.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

The CLI is designed to help you set up your project with Intelligence-UI quickly and efficiently. It’s the easiest and most convenient way to install Intelligence-UI, allowing you to get started with your project in just minutes.

Existing Project

If you already have a project set up—whether it’s built with Laravel, Next.js, Remix, Tanstack, or any other framework—simply run the following command to install Intelligence-UI:

This command will prompt you to confirm your project’s setup. However, the CLI is smart enough to detect your project type and provide default values. Here’s an example of the output when running the command in a Next.js project: ✔ Initializing. ? Components folder: src/components ? Utils folder: src/utils ? Where would you like to place the CSS file? src/app/globals.css ✔ Installing dependencies. ✔ Configuring. ✔ UI folder created at `src/components/ui` ✔ Primitive file saved to `src/components/ui/primitive.tsx` ✔ Classes file saved to `src/utils/classes.ts` ✔ Theme Provider file saved to `"src/components/theme-provider.tsx"` ✔ Providers file saved to `"src/components/providers.tsx"` ✔ Configuration saved to `intelligence-ui.json` ✔ Installation complete.

Start a New Project

The CLI is highly flexible and can automatically detect whether you already have a project set up. If you don’t, you can start fresh by running the init command like this:

Running this command will create a new project if no existing setup is detected. Currently, the CLI supports Laravel, Next.js, Remix, and Vite. If you’d like to see support for other frameworks, please let me know.

? No setup project detected. Do you want to start a new project? (yes/no) yes
? Which framework do you want to use? Next.js
? Which package manager do you want to use? Bun
? Enter the name of your new project: new-project
? Which Tailwind version do you want to use? (3/4) 4
Project setup complete!
To get started, run: `cd new-project && npm run dev`


Once you’ve set up Intelligence-UI, you can start adding components easily by running the add command:


If you think your Intelligence-UI setup might be outdated, don’t worry. You can check for changes by running the diff command:

This will display the components that differ from your installed versions and provide a list so you can quickly choose which components to update.

Change Gray

Not satisfied with the default gray base color? You can easily customize it by running the change command:

The output will be like this: ? The specified CSS path 'src/app/globals.css' exists. Do you want to use this path? yes ? You will override the current theme "`zinc`" with others? yes ? Pick your desired base gray: zinc gray ❯ slate neutral stone


If you’re tired of typing npx intelligence-cli@latest, you can create an alias for the CLI by adding the following line to your .bashrc or .zshrc file:

alias justd='npx intelligence-cli@latest'

Then you can run the CLI using the justd command:

justd [command]


The CLI is highly customizable, allowing you to use various flags for a more tailored experience. Here are some of the options available:


If you’re confident with the default values provided by the CLI, you can skip prompts by using the --yes or -y flag:


When running the init command, the CLI checks whether your project is clean. If it’s not, it will throw an error and halt the process. If you want to proceed regardless, you can use the --force flag:


If you’re unsure about the next steps, you can always refer to the help command for guidance:
